How to cook your way through a whole cook book in one year. Less recipes, more about finding your way when you're lost in your late twenties, how to stop hating your life. Enjoyed it very much but have no desire to cook butter laden Julia Child recipes.
The Barmaid's Brain by Jay Ingram.
Stories from the edges of science. Fun, thought provoking and led to many "did you know" between me and my husband (and yes, half the time he did, the little rat).
Now: The Historianby Elizabeth Kostova.
Couldn't wait until our holiday... Convinced myself that I probably don't want to lug 800 pages along anyway (at least not as a single book) and therefore it would be legit to buy (the library copy I was trying ot for size was just a little too dingy) and read it now. Vampires here I come!